Never again altitude sickness during your mountain vacation

It usually happens on the first day of your holiday destination in the mountains. The body has not had the chance to adjust to the low oxygen content and this is accompanied by headache and nausea.

Climbing and hiking in the mountains can cause physical complaints that may be due to altitude. It is a combination of phenomena that occur when someone moves too quickly to higher heights. This interplay of phenomena is indicated by the term altitude sickness. Because it involves several phenomena that do not always all occur simultaneously, altitude sickness is not a 'normal' disease with well-defined symptoms. It is actually a collection of syndromes which are all caused by altitude.

Altitude sickness can already occur from 2500 meters. In that case it concerns people with extreme sensitivity. Altitude sickness generally occurs above 3500 meters.

The normal physiological changes at a glance (normal acclimatization):

1. Breathing shortage during exertion (with persistence: dizziness or even fainting);
2. Fatigue, weakness;
3. Change of the breathing pattern at night;
4. Waking up more often at night;
5. Strange dreams.

Acclimatization occurs through the creation of more red blood cells (improve oxygen uptake and transport).

This can be prevented with a few altitude training sessions. The ideal preparation for those going to high altitude places.With targeted altitude training, you can prevent this and enjoy your climbing holiday/expedition more.

Do you want individual advice about the options to acclimatize before your trip? Then contact us.

About Altitude Dream

Altitude Dream is the market leader in the Benelux in the field of altitude training. For more than 10 years we have been helping athletes realize their dreams and bringing people without altitude sickness to the mountain of their dreams. Altitude Dream is not a company. Altitude Dream is a dream. A dream that leads to the maximum use of our possibilities.