Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Altitude Dream is a product of Levamondo vof

Bergstraat 24
1850 Grimbergen

VAT: BE0896571196

We have tried to keep these conditions as simple and clear as possible.

1. After delivery of the Altitude Dream products, the good condition of our products is confirmed by the customer. This confirmation is done by signing a delivery receipt in duplicate.

2. These terms and conditions apply to this delivery note or by payment of the invoice.

3. The customer will use the products with some caution.

4. In the event of damage or clear signs of use, the costs will be recovered from the customer.

5. The customer ensures that the height tent is cleaned at the end of the rental period.

6. With purchase there is a standard warranty period of 2 years, unless stated otherwise.

7. The warranty does not cover cracks or fractures in the outer tent due to use.

8. The customer declares himself medically fit to stay in a hypoxic environment (height).

9. The client is personally responsible for medical matters.

10. In case of cancellation after the start of the rental period, the rental amount cannot be reclaimed.