Altitude training against diabetes and obesity

You can read about in this article altitude training and the benefits in diabetes (diabetes) and obesity (overweight). Altitude training is an excellent remedy for diabetes and obesity. Altitude training is best known from top-class sport, since altitude training leads to an improvement in fitness and performance. But what can altitude training mean for you? We would like to describe the altitude training and its benefits for people with diabetes and obesity. The principle behind altitude training is as simple as it is complex. Height training literally means training and / or sleeping at height.

It can therefore be compared to training or sleeping in the mountains. There is less oxygen in the mountain air than at sea level. Normally there is 20.9% oxygen in the air. At an altitude of 2500 meters that is around 15.5%. Your body reacts at height by producing more red blood cells. This leads to multiple physiological effects. The oxygen transport increases and thereby also increases the oxygen uptake in muscles and organs. This makes altitude training a new and good tool in the fight against diabetes and obesity.

The usefulness of sleeping and / or training at height has been proven by scientific research. This is underlined by personal experiences and effects that have been achieved. Increasing oxygen transport, oxygen uptake and glucose uptake in the muscles and organs are the most important results.

Change can lead to:

  • Increased glucose intake and more stable blood glucose level
  • Better fat burning that leads to weight loss
  • Lowering cholesterol level
  • Lowered blood pressure
  • Condition improvement
  • Reduction in medication use
  • Less is possible for complications (renal failure, retinal inflammation, etc.)
  • Reduction of stress and increasing self-confidence

In summary, altitude training leads to biological correction of disturbed metabolic processes.
Altitude training helps you further. Challenge yourself and experience it!

We are happy to inform you about the possibilities to work on your fitness, lifestyle and self-confidence.

About Altitude Dream

Altitude Dream is the market leader in the Benelux in the field of altitude training. For more than 10 years we have been helping athletes realize their dreams and bringing people without altitude sickness to the mountain of their dreams. Altitude Dream is not a company. Altitude Dream is a dream. A dream that leads to the maximum use of our possibilities.