How does Intermittent Hypoxic Training work?

Research in Russian space travel revealed something special. Cosmonauts who have regularly inhaled oxygen-depleted air periods (Intermittent Hypoxic Training) were found to have a much better cell metabolism. They were able to generate energy more easily and their energy factories in the cells (mitochondria) worked better.

This discovery is important for people who suffer from a chronic lack of energy. These include chronic fatigue, chronic inflammation, burn-out syndrome, depression, AMS, COPD, diabetes and many other diseases.

There are mitochondria in every cell in our body that, thanks to the use of oxygen, can convert sugar and fats into energy. This energy is stored in a kind of packages (adenosine triphosphate), also known as ATP. An adult of around 80 kg also produces around 80 kg of ATP per day.

Intermittent Hypoxic Training ensures a better functioning of the mitochondria and ensures that less well-functioning mitochondria (energy factories that deliver too little) are disposed of. Cells thus become younger and more vital in function.

Intermittent Hypoxic Training (IHT) has also been discovered in recent years by athletes and mountaineers who also benefit from this method. The combination with the use of a high altitude tent has a particularly good effect on many athletes. has different training schedules for athletes, mountain climbers or people with chronic fatigue. Please contact us for this.

About Altitude Dream

Altitude Dream is the market leader in the Benelux in the field of altitude training. For more than 10 years we have been helping athletes realize their dreams and bringing people without altitude sickness to the mountain of their dreams. Altitude Dream is not a company. Altitude Dream is a dream. A dream that leads to the maximum use of our possibilities.