Expedition Kilimanjaro: The height acclimatization

Every year several tens of thousands climb the Kilimanjaro but not even half makes it to the top, mostly due to altitude sickness..

The Kilimanjaro has something magical. The diverse climate zones that enable a trip from the tropics to the pool on one mountain, and the views on and from the mountain, make the Kilimanjaro irresistible for many. 

At 5950m, it is the highest mountain in Africa and thus far above the highest Alpine peaks. The oxygen percentage at the top there is 9.9% instead of 20.9% here in our country. That is 11% less oxygen! That is a big difference and also the reason why "altitude sickness" can appear at any moment during your expedition. Altitude sickness can therefore disrupt your whole expedition and that is something you definitely want to avoid. This can be easily done by acclimatising to the thin air in the month before your departure. Acclimatisation is done with the altitude tent and a training mask that allows you to breathe in the thin air in front of your television.

It is advisable to sleep in a height tent 4 weeks prior to departure and / or work 4x times a week with the training mask. For this we have a customized training schedule available tailored to the Kilimanjaro expedition. This allows you to easily acclimatize at home to the altitude.

So don't let your expedition ruin and go to the Kilimanjaro!

More info: View our rental service

About Altitude Dream

Altitude Dream is the market leader in the Benelux in the field of altitude training. For more than 10 years we have been helping athletes realize their dreams and bringing people without altitude sickness to the mountain of their dreams. Altitude Dream is not a company. Altitude Dream is a dream. A dream that leads to the maximum use of our possibilities.