Altitude training: the higher sleep, the better?

The higher the better? Not with altitude training. Many athletes and coaches still think that they can get extra effect from sleeping or living even higher than the height advised by the scientist. The ideal height is a subject that we regularly receive questions about at Altitude Dream.

Earlier this year this was discussed this study published. Scientists investigated something in this the ideal 'dose' height is to be able to deliver top performance at sea level afterwards. A group of 48 runners were divided into 4 groups and lived 4 weeks at 4 different heights:

  • 1.780m (16.8% O2)
  • 2.085m (16.2% O2)
  • 2.454 m (15.3% O2)
  • 2,800m (14.5% O2)


All runners trained at the same altitude: 1,250 - 3,000m. Before and after the altitude training, all athletes underwent various blood tests and a 3000m time trial. Only the groups that lived at 2085m and 2454 had improved on this 3000m test. Incidentally, the EPO level in the group that had lived at 1780m had already normalised after 72 hours


  • 4 weeks of altitude training can improve your performance at sea level.
  • The quality of your sleep will be maintained up to a height of 2500m
  • Sleeping higher than 2500m has no better effect for performance at sea level, quite the contrary
  • The optimal altitude in a high altitude tent is 2000m -> 2500m


Do you still want to sleep higher for certain competitions or performances at height?
contact us then first for advice.

About Altitude Dream

Altitude Dream is the market leader in the Benelux in the field of altitude training. For more than 10 years we have been helping athletes realize their dreams and bringing people without altitude sickness to the mountain of their dreams. Altitude Dream is not a company. Altitude Dream is a dream. A dream that leads to the maximum use of our possibilities.